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How to connect a DVR/NVR through AngelBox
How to connect a DVR/NVR through AngelBox

Connecting a NVR or DVR through AngelBox and getting the stream from all connected channels

Pavel Kuba avatar
Written by Pavel Kuba
Updated over 10 months ago

A guide for users connecting their DVR/NVR to Angelcam through an AngelBox. It will show you how to get the stream from all your channels.

  • This article is a follow-up to the general article about DVR/NVR connection. Please make sure to read that article first to ensure that your device is compatible.

Please follow these steps:

  • Connect the AngelBox according to the instructions that you have received with the AngelBox

  • Go to the device management section, click on "connect camera", enter the username and password for the DVR/NVR, and connect the first stream

  • To connect more camera streams from the DVR/NVR we will need to know the correct stream path to it. Every device is different but usually, the path is like this "/Streaming/channels/101" or "/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0". The channel number (101 or 1 or any other specific one) tells us what camera stream to pick. We need to find out what it is for your particular device and then connect other channels

  • To find out go to my cameras section, click on the first camera stream -> settings -> show camera address -> and find the path for your device

  • Let's suppose it is "/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0"

  • Go back to the device management section and click on "connect streams", then click on the "I want to use a different stream address (profile)" link on the bottom

  • Enter your path to the correct section. For example "/cam/realmonitor?channel=2&subtype=0" for the second camera stream in our example. Enter username and password for the DVR/NVR

  • Click on "Detect camera stream" and wait until we connect to it.

  • Click on "Add this stream"

  • Check the checkbox in the top right corner, name the camera, and click on "Add selected camera(s) to Angelcam" to get a stream from this camera to the list of detected devices.

  • Continue with all the other cameras in the same way until you have all of them on the list. Then select them and add them all at once to your account. In our example it would be "/cam/realmonitor?channel=3&subtype=0" for third camera, "/cam/realmonitor?channel=4&subtype=0" for fourth. If the path was "/Streaming/channels/101" then you will use "/Streaming/channels/201" for the second camera, "/Streaming/channels/301" for the third camera.

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